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IoT-шлюзы для облачного сервиса

remote io gateway device
Модель SIG-5431 SIG-5441 SIG-5451 SIG-5561 SIG-5601
Протокол MQTT
Аналоговый вход 4 1 4
Цифровой вход 4 4
Цифровой выход 2* 4*
Сетевое подключение Ethernet Ethernet
или WiFi
Источник питания 5V 5V
Корпус Пластик Сталь
Автоматический контроль Расписания Расписания
Управление на основе событий
Веб-мониторинг и контроль ✓ (через Облако)
Инструмент графического редактора Sollae Studio
Инструмент конфигурации spFinder

What is Sollae Cloud?  >  

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has been growing quickly, enabling us to control/manage devices from anywhere without a limit of distance. IIoT also enables automation, letting devices communicate with each other without human intervention.

Sollae Systems' IoT gateway is designed to provide you with the easiest way to make your equipment/sensors connect to the Internet and become IIoT devices. Equipped with analog input ports, digital input and output ports, the IoT gateway lets you remotely control/monitor your equipment/sensors from a very far distance without visiting on-site. Furthermore, your equipment can be automatically controlled by sensors/switches located in other places.

The SIG-5xx1 series is securely connected to Sollae IoT Cloud via MQTT protocol. All devices from different locations registered under your account are centralized in one place. You can control/monitor/manage your equipment/sensors via a web user interface. Explore various features of Sollae IoT Cloud.